Monday, December 10, 2007

Colors, Colors and More Colors

When I painted this rug, I titled it"Dreams".

When I was a little girl my mother taught me to crochet, embroidery, needlepoint, and cross stitch, which are all interests of good little hispanic girls. When I was a teen, she signed me up for knitting classes. I was at a young age impressed with the fact that you could use small treads to create such beautiful works. But the practical aspect of life took over. I did a little of each, and started knitting again several years ago. Finding my niche has not been an easy road. As a teacher/artist, I can work with just about any medium but none made my heart jump.

I own many Fine Art Books, several of Kaffee Fasset's book, Brandon Malby's Knitting in Color and, I have been looking and I knew I would know when I found what I needed.

I received Kristin Knits about a week ago, I skimmed the pages and my heart immediately jumped, the same emotion that overcame me when I was in the Louvre standing in front of the Mona Lisa. The same feeling I had when I stood in front of an Original Georgia O'Keefe at the Chicago Institute of Art, but due to this and that, there was no time to post. (Time has not been my friend lately. I need to follow my own advice to my students "learn to balance".)
Kristin brought it all together for me. Something that no other artist's work had been able to inspire, the AHA moment. It have been traveling down a road, picking up pieces here and there, but never putting it all together, till this moment.
For the last year or so I had noticed designs in magazines that I enjoyed viewing. Last week, I realized that they were mostly Kristin's designs. Her designs are an inspiration to where I had been heading. Now to allow my style to come out.


Blogger ColorJoy LynnH said...

I am a huge fan of Kristin Nicholas, also. Her embroidery book, Colorful Stitchery, is spectacular (I do not yet have the knitting book but I am sure I will love it equally).

I ordered my book directly from Kristin's website, and she autographed my copy. I love knowing she gets a few more dollars selling directly to me that way, and love the personal touch.

Perhaps you do not know that Kristin has a blog. I find it absolutely wonderful, it is one of my very favorites. She lives on a farm and talks about lambs as well as knitting and color. Good writing, great photos. Here is the address:

You might want to check out Lucy Neatby, too. More wonderful color and creativity. She has no blog but her website is here:

A disclaimer if I need one: I know Lucy in person, we've met many times and have a friendly professional relationship. Kristin and I have never met but we have corresponded a few times. No affiliation with either artist's business, other than as a customer and a fan.

7:34 PM  

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